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Policies and Procedures


Parents grades Kindergarten through 6th grade should send a note to their teachers so their children will be released to ON THE GO (Karen Yoong).

Fares will be as follows:

One way $52.00 per week / Round trip 72.00 per week

We also offer family and neighborhood discounts. There is no registration fee—never has been, never will be.

This rate is per child. You may pay by cash or check. Please make the check payable to KAREN YOONG. There will be a $35.00 return check fee. A WRITTEN notice of two (2) weeks is required by either party to terminate the transportation agreement. If I have terminated the service payment is still due, even if you wish to withdraw your child early. If gas goes past $4.00/gal. there will be a gas surcharge (I’m thinking a $1 for round trip riders and a $.50 for one way riders per week).

Payment due: MONDAY for the week. If payment has not been received by Wednesday a $35 late fee will incur each and every Wednesday.  If you or your child forgets payment, then YOU will be responsible for getting your child to school or home. The child will not enter my van without payment. This policy will be strictly enforced. There are no prorated weeks for the 2018-19 school year.   THE CHARGE MUST BE PAID WHETHER YOUR CHILD IS PRESENT OR NOT. DUE TO ANY REASON, INCLUDING ILLNESS, WEATHER AND YOUR VACATIONS. YOU ARE PAYING FOR YOUR CHILDS SPACE IN THE VAN.

If your child has before/after school DETENTION and needs to be picked up anytime other than their regular pick up time there will be a $5.00 surcharge. This fee is per child.

I do understand there are after school activities, but I make plans, appointment, etc., according to times that I am not driving. If your child needs to stay after school or get there early, I need you to call me THE NIGHT BEFORE to let me know what time I need to get them to school or pick them up after school. I also do not mind getting your child to the doctor, dentist, or wherever, just as long a you let me know ahead of time so I can reroute my route if needed. There is no extra charge for this service---it is FREE!!! If your child gets sick at school, call me---I will go get your child FREE!!

If your child is absent from school, leaves early, or does not ride for any reason PLEASE call me at 682-429-3214. This phone number has a voice mail, so even if I do not answer I need you to leave me a message. 

If your child does not come out of the school and I have to check with the school’s office personnel to see what has happened, there will be a $10.00 inconsideration fee due the following day or your child will no longer ride. I understand emergencies happen, but please remember to call me and let me know that your child will not be riding. When you do not call me, I go into the school office, wait for a staff member to help me find out what has happened to your child. This usually takes 10-15 minutes, causing me to run 10-15 minutes late to the rest of the schools and getting everyone home late. You may call me ANYTIME, and if I am not available, please leave a message. The best phone number to reach me at is 682-429-3214.

After dropping of your child in the afternoon one thing I will not do is text you. I truly think that texting and driving is very dangerous. Instead I encourage all my riders to call a parent as soon as they get in the door. Besides, I am sure you would rather hear from your child and ask them how their day was.

Conditions for immediate termination of transportation:

Non-payment of services

Habitually being late for your child’s scheduled pick up time (i.e. your child not being ready in the mornings or after school. Child is abusive to other children, biting, hitting, screaming, language, continuing not to get along with others, etc.

There will be no charge for Fall break, Winter break, and Spring break. THESE ARE THE ONLY DATES FOR WHICH YOU WILL NOT BE CHARGED. On early release days (check the Keller ISD calendar for dates), grades 1-4 will be out at 11:55 AM, graded 5 & 6 will release at 11:45 AM and grades 7-12 will be out at 12:30 PM. I will be picking them up at this time so parents should make arrangements for their children to return home at these times.

Wearing a seat belt is the #1 rule in my van and it is the LAW. I will tell your child when they get in to put on their seat belt. I cannot go through the van physically and check to see if they have it on. Therefore, if your child is found, at anytime, without their seat belt on you will have a choice of a one day suspension from your child riding or you may pay me a $5.00 fine and your child may continue riding.


The Carla Haberzettle Policy:   A two week deposit is required for each family even if you have ridden with us for years. This two week deposit is to be used for the LAST TWO WEEKS OF RIDING. There will be no refunds of this deposit. There is no registration fee—never has been, never will be.

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